This post contains affiliate links and I may earn money if you purchase from the links in the blog post. I was lucky enough to be able to review Hold On Compostable Bags & Storage Bags over the past month.
Hippo Sak Review
As you guys know, I’m always looking for green-friendly products to try, so this time someone suggested the plant-based brand Hippo Sak to review. I’ve never heard of the brand (you think I’d know everything but I clearly do not).
Honest Disinfectant Spray Review
Hi guys! Like everyone during the pandemic, I have had a heck of a time finding antibacterial spray for my home. I found Honest Disinfectant Spray on (you guessed it!) And it’s available to buy as of this posting!
ECOS Laundry Detergent Review
It’s been a while since I wrote a blog post. I had pneumonia and wasn’t really motivated to do anything for a month. But now I’m over it, so let’s dig in! I generally use Tide Pods for my laundry.
Pop-Up Sponge, Eco-Friendly Product Review
First of all, look at how fun this plant-based pop-up sponge is! If you have kids, I think they’d get a kick out of it. These came in a pack of 12, for around $12 at Trader Joe’s. I see